Biomes- for Google Classroom

Biomes- for Google Classroom
This is a Google Drive resource about biomes that can be shared with students through Google Classroom or Google accounts.
Students can type, drag and drop directly in the file. Clear and concise instructions for sharing the product with students are included with the link.
This resource can stand on its own. The instructional material needed for students to complete the exercises is built right into the product.
Includes the following:
· Forty-page digital resource includes instructional content and twelve interactive pages in which students type or drag and drop their answers directly into the document (on Google Drive). The ten biomes covered are: boreal forest, temperate forest, tropical forest, grassland, shrubland, desert, alpine, tundra, freshwater, and marine.
· Separate twelve-page answer key (PDF)
Great resource for using Google Classroom to teach about biomes as part of your ecology curriculum!